Lonely Pup’s Heartfelt Wait: Bound by Hope for a Caring Rescuer

Lonely Pup's Heartfelt Wait Bound by Hope for a Caring Rescuer

It’s hard to comprehend how little sympathy humans have for animals. Especially after they possess one. Alas, heartbreaking tales of abused and abandoned dogs persist, and an RSPCA shelter in Leicester, England made headlines in March for yet another example.

Lonely Pup's Heartfelt Wait Bound by Hope for a Caring Rescuer

Workers at the Woodside Animal Shelter were astonished when the got into work on a Wednesday in March to discover her tied to their front gate. It was unknown who left her there or how long she had been there without food or drink (though it couldn’t have been more than an evening).

The cute little dog was only waiting for someone to locate her and became so pleased when she met her rescuers.

Lonely Pup's Heartfelt Wait Bound by Hope for a Caring Rescuer

For starters, she appeared underweight and images reveal her ribs exposed beneath her skin. There were also wounds on her nose and a skin ailment to address.

Lonely Pup's Heartfelt Wait Bound by Hope for a Caring Rescuer

Her rescuers located a microchip in Misty, but when they phoned the number she was registered to, they were told she had been rehomed years before. There was no additional information as to why that was or who her future owners were (nor how she got to be abandoned) (nor how she came to be abandoned).

Since England has a detailed Animal Welfare Act (revised in 2006), her abandonment is considered a felony. An inquiry was initiated and looks to be continuing.

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